Friday, February 24, 2012

Obama's Priorities...

Just recently President Obama "shredded attempts by his handlers to cast him as a pragmatic and reasonable man who can appeal to independent voters" by rejecting the Keystone XL oil pipeline according to Michael Goodwin, from Fox News. The pipeline would carry oil from Canada to Gulf Coast ports and it would cost $7 billion. Obama procrastinated on making a decision until after the election despite the three year study by the State Department. According to Goodwin, thousands of jobs were cast aside in order to put special-interest politics first.  Furthermore, Obama promised a commitment to energy indepencence which is now non existent. Canada even offered a new route to avoid an aquafier in Nebraska. Because unions demanded to know wheater he would approve of the new route or not, Republicans put a 60-day deadline in December's payroll-tac legislation.  However he rejected the offer without an explanation, but a "lame" statement that hinted not on a decision made based on merits, but a deadline. Goodwing stated," The man who insisted that "making sure jobs are available is the first thing I think about when I wake up every morning" was just reading empty words from a TelePrompter". President Obama has obviously let some people down. Now Canada is saying how "profoundly disappointed" they are and moving to plan b, which most likely is to build a pipeline on its west coast and sell the oil to china. After reading this article about Goodwin's opinion I cant help but agree with him. Obama did make a promise to enviromentalist about a commitment to energy independace. Also, instead of creating thousands of jobs, he demolished the idea and broke that promise aswell. Goodwin's article seems very credoulus to me, he presents valid facts and information. Based on the facts and his personal opinion he presents an article that gives a new perspective not only to enviromentalist, but the general public aswell.

Friday, February 10, 2012

U.S. Travel Warning to Mexican States

I recently read an article on USA Today about a warning the U.S. has made to the american public. This warning deals with avoiding travel to Mexican states, specially 13 of them including border states. This article states that american citizens have been victims of killings, carjackings, drug violence, and even kidnappings. This issue has been going on since 2006, when Mexico's drug war reached a high point. However, since last year, more and more american tourists and visitors have been increasingly attacked. Therefore, the U.S. Government feels like it need to inform and give a warning to people planning a visit. I, myself am from Mexico and I used to visit it every year. Therefore I've been aware of the situation going on in my home country. Its not to say that ALL of Mexico is dangerous, however, this article is a good waring to unaware americans planning to visit.