Friday, March 30, 2012

Is The United States Doing ENOUGH To Stop Global Warming?

    The answer to this question is simply, NO. We might think that by passing the Clean Air Act- which states that a person can only put a certain amount of pollution in the air, or driving a hybrid, or even puting a recycling bin in every house is going to save us from climate changes, the we are dead wrong. This helps, but the fact is that it's just not cutting it.

    Yes, it might be true that the United States is a global leader, and that other countries look up to the U.S. for solutions. However, this is not true when it comes to Global Warming. This country is doing next to nothing when it comes to implementing ways to stop this disaster from progressing. In fact, in 2001 Bush refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, which committed 141 industrialized countries to reduce the greenhouse gas (GHG) emitions. He claimed that it was too costly and "an unrealistic and over-tightening straightjacket". However, by implementing laws centered around Global Warming could potentially boost our economy. This would create jobs in the "green" and clean air sectors. It would also improve American health by reducing air and water pollution which has been directly linked to mortality rates.

    China might have taken the first place in global emitter from us. Yet, we don't seem to care much if we take back the title or not. The fact is that we Americans are unmistakably selfish. We refuse to give up luxuries like expensive car that get no more than 20 MPG but produce loads of CO2. We rather donate $50 to some company that claims to protect the ecosystem instead of giving up some of our time to plant a tree.

    Ignorance is bliss as they say, however, Global Warming denial is a pathetic excuse many people use. This is a real issue that will not only affect us, but our predecessors as well. As Al Gore once said "Even if we stop production of CO2 now, it will stay in the atmosphere 10 more years". It just keeps accumulating, therefore, if we want to have a place to live in the near future we ALL better get our gears in motion.

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